Silicon Laboratories Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download

Step 2: Use the Thunderboard Mobile App. There are several apps available for Thunderboard from Silicon Labs and our partners. In this guide, we will use the official app from Silicon Labs. Download the Thunderboard mobile app. Apple Store; Google Play; Enable Bluetooth on your mobile phone.

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Silicon Laboratories Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download

EFR Connect Demo and Develop. The app is divided into two main functional areas, the Demo and the Develop view. The Demo view lists a number of demos that are meant for quickly testing some of the sample apps in the Silicon Labs Bluetooth SDK. Tyson subsequently led the marketing effort behind Silicon Labs’ first CMOS RF transceiver products for mobile handsets, spearheaded the development and market success of the company’s radio and TV tuner ICs, and served as Chief Technology Officer and Chief Operating Officer before being named CEO in 2012. The Silicon Labs Thunderboard app is the companion to the Thunderboard kits, which are EFR32-based development and prototyping platforms for IoT applications. This app connects with the pre-programmed firmware in the Thunderboard kits and consists of 3 different demos using on-board sensors. The motion demo displays a 3D render of the physical board that follows the board movements.

Silicon Laboratories Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download 64-bit

The BGXpress Mobile Libraries Ot solutions driver. is set of libraries and frameworks usedfor developing iOS and Android mobile applications for Silicon LabsBluetooth Xpress, BGX13P and BGX13S.

The official documentation for BGXpress Mobile Libraries is at


BGX13S and BGX13P are members of the Silicon Labs Wireless Xpressfamily of product that enable wireless capability for products without theneed to write firmware or certify hardware. These modules function as cablereplacements, bridging the Xpress command API serial interface to BLE. KeyBLE parameters such as transmit power and advertising intervals and durationare configurable and stored in on-chip non-volatile memory. A BluetoothXpress module can pair with another Bluetooth Xpress module, or it can pairwith a smartphone.

BGX Commander is a mobile application that demonstrates Bluetooth Xpressmodule communication with smart phones. For more information on this app,please see BGX Commander.

Silicon Laboratories Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download

Source Code and License

The BGX mobile libraries are licensed under a permissive open sourcelicense and can be found on Github.

Please refer to the license file

Silicon Laboratories Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver Download Free



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Please use the Silicon Labs main support portal for product support. Nintendo driver download for windows 10 pc.